Saturday, December 13, 2014

Today's the Day

Well today is finally the day I have been waiting for for over a year! We are headed to Thailand! I'm currently sitting in the Dallas airport waiting to board our 14 hour flight. Wah! Not looking forward to it, but I'm sure it will be worth it! I would say we're probably going to look a lot worse after our >24 hours of traveling but considering we are all still on California time and didn't sleep much the night before, things may not be improving much!

These past few days have been crazy since I was only home from California for one day before having to repack everything. Fingers crossed I didn't forget anything and also that I am eventually reunited with my suitcase. I'm nervous about that! This morning I was pretty sad saying bye to Darren. I normally don't cry for anything but I did get a little teary. 7 weeks is just a long time! Luckily Annie decided she wanted to ride to the airport with us so I just cuddled with her for moral support. I'm going to miss that little puppy! Bawse on the other hand was not amused that we were waking him up at 3:30am and I only got a minor head lift out of him. Oh well, I'll miss him too!