This blog has been a long time coming. Welcome to my blog!
I've always wanted to start a blog but never quite had the time or courage. I probably still don't have the time but have decided to give it a go... we'll see how it turns out. The main reason I decided to try it now is because it seems like I have so much going on in my life I don't want to forget a thing and hopefully this will be a good outlet to record some memories. Here are some recent/ current happenings in my life that I'm sure will be constant subjects in my blog:
- Less than a month ago I moved into my very own apartment for the first time. Decorating is certainly a challenge for me but so far I'm loooooovvving everything about the apartment. The only thing that will make it better is when Darren moves in but that will bring new challenge in itself... I have to make room for golf clubs?? HOW MANY golf clubs??
Shout-out to my brother and his girlfriend for helping with the move |
- Speaking of Darren moving in... I'M PLANNING A WEDDING!! My awesome, smart, handsome, funny, and talented fiance and I are getting married April 5, 2014 in Nashville. I seriously can't wait for this day. Wedding planning isn't awful but it's not necessarily as fun as people make it out to be. It's a little hard to plan details from almost 400 miles away. It's still going to be the best wedding ever though and April can't get here fast enough. Along with getting married also comes a lot of legal paperwork and letters to U.S. immigration since Darren is not a U.S. citizen and does not currently have a permanent visa here yet. I'm not exactly a lawyer so the process has been a little stressful but so far everything is going smoothly.

- This should probably be first on my list since it's really what takes up the most time in my life... but oh yeah, I'm in my third year of pharmacy school. Hence the name of my blog (hope somebody got that). Give me a little less than 2 years and add Pharm. D after my name. I made it through the hell that is P2 year (2nd year of pharmacy school for you non-pharmacy peeps) and now I'm ready to finish my last semester of classes strong and then start perfecting my knowledge on rotations starting in January. Pharmacy school is one of the hardest things I've ever done but it's my favorite thing ever. I guess it's encouraging that I completely love what I do regardless of how hard it is. I'm pretty sure all these people make it a whole lot easier.
Never leaving school = awesome, cheap football tickets |
One of many miserable Saturdays in the library |
sand volleyball tourny with my Knoxville gurls |
white coat official |
- Just to add another thing to my plate, I've decided to compete in my first triathalon in September. I always workout regularly but decided I wanted a goal to train for. I get bored doing one type of workout for too long so a triathalon is perfect. I'm a little nervous about putting the whole triathalon together (mainly about what to wear?!) but I'm already looking forward to it.
sooo strong I can lift a redwood! |
Biking across SF Bay
- Last but not least, I can't help but to talk about my baby.....
My Gracie, grace, grace-face, purr baby. I got her when I moved to Memphis for pharmacy school so I named her Gracie after Graceland. She's been my perfect study buddy and companion ever since. She has a personality all her own (as anyone who has ever met her can attest). Gracie snuggles are the sweetest ever!
Sooo, if any of these lovely topics interest you stay tuned for more posts! Who knows where this will go!
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