Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February Update

I interrupt the normal Thailand stories to bring you a little update on what the Renwicks have been doing since I got back from Thailand. Key words being "the Renwicks" because we have actually gotten to do a few things together which has been a nice change from my Thai lifestyle.

The day after I got back from Thailand we celebrated Darren turning the big 2-5! haha. Luckily with the time change I was up super early so I had time to make his favorite breakfast and take it to him in bed. Pecan waffles it was :)

And here's my guy wearing two of his new birthday presents. My parents got him the hat and I bought him the vest in Hong Kong. Lucky for Darren he got a lot of presents from Thailand and for his birthday so the day was full of presents. Unfortunately Darren had to work that night but we had a fun lunch at Dead End BBQ at the request of the birthday boy. I was planning on making him dessert to take to work but jet lag set in and I was completely out of comission after about 3pm. I finally made it for him a few nights later. I'm pretty lucky he puts up with my sleepiness. And I'm just pretty lucky in general... 

Right after I got home the flurry of residency interview traveling began. I can't say it was my favorite thing in the world since I wasn't even over the jet lag from Thailand but it was definitely exciting at times and I made it through it. Now I'm just waiting and waiting for March 20 to find out where we'll be next year!  I happened to be in Detroit for one interview with coincided very nicely with an already planned trip.  A few months ago a bunch of my friends noticed a huge Southwest sale and decided to go visit our friends, Andy and Danyelle, in Detroit. I'm pretty sure it was on sale because obviously no one else wants to travel to Detroit in the middle of February but.... hindsight. I wrote a blog post about last time we went to Detroit and how Andy gets to take home cars every so often since he works for GM. Well this time was even more awesome and Andy got a giant passenger van that happened to be school bus yellow/orange. It was hilarious but actually very handy since there were so many of us. We spent most of the weekend freezing our a$$ off, having endless snowball fights, and enjoying spending time with all our friends and pretending like we all still lived in Knoxville again.. and pretending like we can drink like we did when we all lived in Knoxville. I mean how do old people drink? Even 25 is a million times harder than it was at 21. woof.  Anyway we ended up having an amazing time and were only a little devastated to leave. 

When we got back from Detroit I did a whole lot of NOTHING and have enjoyed every second of it. I went to a few more interviews but other than that my days have been spent barely getting out of my pajamas, catching up on tv/ netflix, sleeping in, baking, and loving on my puppies. Is there anything better than off months? The answer is definitively NO. Eventually I'm going to be bored but I'm not quite there yet. We've had quite a bit of snow and ice lately so the idea of feeling snowed in has made everything so cozy and made it feel semi-ok for wearing my pajamas past noon and not going anywhere.  Here's some pics from our cozy week.

I felt like a terrible dog mom when I realized Annie was forming a dread. I seriously don't know how that happened

Bawse loooooves sitting outside in the snow and ice but he also loves to get snuggled up nice and warm when he comes inside

 Annie is quite happy chewing on anything... ice included

They just can't possibly be any sweeter. They're convinced the guest bed is their personal bed.

I tried making the Pioneer Woman's homemade cinnamon rolls. This is only half of them and they are ahmazing.

Sometimes I feel like I neglect Gracie a little bit so I felt like she should be included here somewhere. This is her in her bed and practically the only place you'll see her in the winter. Except by her food bowl of course.

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